(Perhaps the HORSE PACKET 1822 ?)
STEAM BARGE by 1830 then
STEAM PACKET from 25.10.1867
First mention as FERRY BOAT
from 1925
On Tuesday 7th October 1941 the licence was transferred from the late
William G. Tyrell to brewery representative Bertram Nichols. See
Memorable in the early 1970's as having well worn seats in the front
bar, they were the same shape and had the same covering as then used by the Eastern
Counties Omnibus Company.
A classic bubble gum dispenser sat in the small entrance hall.
When reopened as a freehouse the entrance hall and room to the left hand
side were combined into one room which incorporated the original bar area on the right
hand side. A stuffed cat guarded the chimney breast at the left hand end.
A huge bar was also created in (ex-boat) sheds to the rear.
`Fag-Ash Lil' was a crowd puller at the piano from 1976 and for many
years after.
(Real name Mrs Ivy Armstrong and still playing in 1989, then aged 82. Died
age 86.)
`for refurbishment' July 2006
to be an `Eco- friendly backpackers hostel'
according to ongoing works May 2011.
`Old part of pub to be a Real Ale Appreciation Shop / Bar
with mainly off-sales beer, but a few real ales on tap'
No progress in evidence by December 2015.
Permission granted 2016 to convert into accommodation and for a
total of 40 dwellings to be created on the site.