Originally the
First found as the
Address as Gaol Street in 1846 & 1883.
41 Middlegate Street 1881
Conveyed 17th June 1884 by George Lucas,
William James Steward, John Baker & Jane Parker Ferrier to Donald Steward and Henry
Staniforth Patteson.
Benjamin Barker applied for a music and dancing licence on Thursday
23rd April 1891 - Granted.
On the night of Sunday 15th March 1899, six persons ( 7 according to
another report), other than the landlord, were found drinking in the
house at 10:45 pm. The police were advised that it was a private
party. One of the assembly was heard to intimate that he was going
to raffle his wife at one shilling a ticket.
At the hearing the following Wednesday, Barker was fined 20s, three
persons were fined 10s each, or 7 days, and two who proved to
be waitresses, were dismissed.
The three persons fined were Mrs. Barker, Captain Davison and Mr.
Payne. The waitresses were Kerrison and Beevor.
On Thursday 24th August 1899 it was heard that Benjamin Barker had
been convicted in 1872, 1874, 1891 and 1899. Application to transfer
the licence to Messrs. Steward & Patteson, who had already got rid
of their tenant, was provisionally endorsed to 28th September.
Benjamin Barker had previously been at the Princess Charlotte and
Newcastle Tavern.
At the sessions, Thursday 28th September 1899, Steward & Patteson
informed the bench that they had installed a new tenant (Mr.
Laxon?) . The licence was renewed with the warning that continuance
was strictly dependent on the manner that the house was conducted in
Notice to surrender licence given Friday 6th March 1903.
Licence given up 21st August 1903 in consideration of a licence being granted to new
premises, the STATION HOTEL, Gorleston.
Property sold January 1904.