Located on the NW corner of Row 30, George Street to Howard Street. Included with proposal discussed June 1937, for E. Lacon & Co. to exchange four public houses in return for the Corporation conveying 1) a piece of land, with a frontage of 200 feet, to Marine Parade, Gorleston, at the south-east corner of Bridge Road and 2) a piece of land having a frontage of 150 feet to North Drive and similar frontage to Jellicoe road, Great Yarmouth and 3) a piece of land having 55 feet 1 inch frontage to South Beach Parade and 31 feet to Dickens Avenue. It was expected that three of the licences would be conveyed to the new sites and the fourth licence awarded to an existing beerhouse. (PRINCE CONSORT) Although the Chief Constable objected and members of the committee opposed the Dickens Avenue proposal, the Mayor pointed out that otherwise Lacons would have to be paid compensation for the loss of going concerns and the matter had been considered by the Council for many months. The Council had a fair bargain and nothing could stand in the way of the development of the clearance areas concerned. Closed and the licence removed to the LINKS HOTEL, Gorleston 04.04.1939.
See p.54 of `Gt. Yarmouth In Old Photographs' pub. 1994 |