Recorded as No. 43 Friar Street 1836 & 1846.
Southgate Street 1888
24 Friars Street 1904.
Joseph Richardson renewed his tenancy 31.08.1846
and John Leggett renewed 21.08.1867
On Wednesday 5th February 1873, Sophia Wagg was summoned by the Urban
Sanitary Society for having, on 14th December 1872, exposing in a public
place, a certain bed and clothing infected with small pox. The items had
been been hung on a beam in the skittle alley and some visiting parties
had been stricken down with small pox.
Sophia Wagg denied the offence and claimed that everything was done to
disinfect the clothes and bed.
Without penalty, the costs of the hearing were £1 7s which the
magistrates considered to be far too large a sum for Wagg to pay, the
case was therefore dismissed.
Offered for sale by auction 22nd July 1878
as a Freehold Public House.
Referred for Compensation 11th February 1907.
Licence refused by consent, subject to compensation, at the Kings Lynn Compensation Authority
Meeting on Tuesday 9th July 1907.
Licence extinct 25th January 1908