n the shade.
Formerly the
SUN in 1736.
Adjoined the GLOBE HOTEL.
Thomas Langley of the Shakespeare Inn, advertised
1869 and 1870, that he always had a good supply of gates,
sheep racks, sheep troughs, bullock bins, straw bins, ladders, &c.
For Sale by Auction Thursday, 12th December 1912.
Then Let to Mr. Blackster. (Of Cooper-Brown)
Property advertised for sale in the Lynn Advertiser of 23rd April 1920.
`For sale by auction Wednesday, 5th May 1920.
Valuable freehold property formerly known as the Shakespeare Inn, but now
unlicensed. Containing large front room, kitchen, cellar, wash house, coal
house and range of buildings on north side of yard, together with a small
front office, 6 good bedrooms and wc on first floor, 2 attics over, range of
wood and corrugated iron and tiled buildings in large yard to
rear, stabling for 5 horses, store houses, etc.
The property is very extensive, having a frontage to King Street of about 31
feet and a depth of about 168 feet....'
Referred for Compensation 9th March 1914
It was announced 26th December 1914 that following a claim of £362 15s
from the Compensation Authorities, the sum of £300 had been approved.
Licence extinct 11th January 1915