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In 1815,
The Commercial Hall Wine Company of London, offered through their agents, Mr. J. Woodrow of Norwich and T. & W. Manning of Foulsham. :-

Dry Cape Madeira 40s Per dozen  
Red Madeira 46s "  
Crusted Red Madeira 56s "  

1812 Port Wine

48s "  
Second quality Port Wine 44s "  
Curious high flavoured Port Wines 50s "  
Old Roriz Port 66s "  
Fine Sherry 52s "  
East India Sherry 60s "  
Most Curious West India Madeira 68s "  
East India Maderia 90s "  

Early European Games:-
In Brussels on 2nd April 1844, "not withstanding the difference in climate and the bad quality of the beer" a competition took place on the Boule Yards between Henry Pitt (using the name Lottery of England) and James Eustace (using the name Jim Crow). The challenge was to pick up 100 stones, placed a yard apart and to bring them back, individually, to the basket. The prize was 200 francs. With vegetables being in abundant supply, potatoes were used instead of stones. Betting at Mr. Collison's English Tavern was brisk with the odds on Crow at 4 to 3 on. Although Crow had won such a competition in England and Lottery was a much taller man not accustomed to potato-digging, Lottery won in a time of 37 minutes 15 seconds. Crow had the consolation of having bet that either competitor would complete the task in under 40 minutes. He achieved 38 minutes 30 seconds.


In December 1900, the British Medical Journal contained an article on the contamination of beer with arsenic.
Samples of beer had been tested on 12th November 1900 and arsenic was found in the product of a particular brewery.
It was deduced that for reasons of economy, glucose was used in the brewing process in order to use less malt. This gave a gain of some 4s to 6s a barrel.
The production of glucose involved boiling maize, starch or very common cane sugar with sulphuric acid, the acid was neutralised with chalk, forming a white participate of sulphate of lime, which was strained off.
Arsenic was present in some supplies of sulphuric acid, but it was possible to get the pure acid.
It was said that the operations of the Foods and Drugs Act should extend to the analysis of glucose and brewing sugars.
However, it was not necessary to use such glucose or sugar at all, except for cheapness. Brewers should go back to using Malt and Hops.

The Norwich Public were informed that there was no chance of poisoned beer being brewed in the good old city, but glucose was then used more or less extensively by most public brewers. It would be more satisfactory to farmers and most beer drinkers if all beer was made solely from malt and hops.


It was recorded that in 1909 the United Kingdom was served by
4,591 Licensed Brewers, plus
*1,361 Private Brewers liable to beer duty, and
*6,221 Brewers not liable for beer duty.
There were 101,191 victuallers licences,
25,184 on beer licences and
11,692 off beer licences.
* Indistinct print and value may be subject to correction.


The County of Norfolk having suffered for many years suffered the unlawful taking of Game, by Gangs going out in the Night........
It was advertised 12th November 1790 that any person giving information against any Higgler, Chapman, Carrier, Innkeeper, Victualler, Ale House Keeper or any Other Person, who possessed or offered for sale, any Hare, Pheasant or Partridge, would be entitled to a Twenty Pound Reward, over and above that allowed by Parliament.
A Reward of Five Pounds, above that allowed by Parliament, would be paid upon information against any Person or Persons who took, in the Night, any Hare, Pheasant, Partridge, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks or other Poultry.

It was reported 29th October 1785 that innkeepers were struggling to make a living when dragoons were billeted at their houses.
A loss of up to 14 Guineas per week could be incurred by those who could have 20 to 24 horses to maintain. With Hay at £6 per ton, and each horse consuming 2 cwt of hay a week, plus one boulting of straw per horse, each night at 3d, it would appear that each horse cost the landlord 13s 9d per week. Add on to that the expense of 6 or 7 men, found in beer, fire, candles, pepper, salt and lodging..........

According to the British Beer and Pub Association

The number of public houses in the UK were :-

1980 - 69,000
1990 - 63,500
2000 - 60,800
2010 - 55,400
2021 - 46,350

The Breathalyser arrived at 12:00am on Monday 9th October 1967.

"A wet Sunday night in October meant there were only a handful of cars on the road".

Minister of Transport, Mrs. Barbara Castle said " A social revolution starts......"