Licensees : |
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1780 |
by November 1781 |
May 1788 |
Appears in the 1767 rates list.
Daniel Wilson paid rates for the premises in 1780.
The Norfolk Chronicle of 8th November 1781 advised ...
Philip Pentin, formerly of the Thatched House Tavern, Brinton, late of the
Crown Inn, Sheringham, begs Leave to acquaint his Friends, and the Public in
general, that he has taken the Royal Oak Inn, at Cromer, aforesaid, which he
has fitted up in the neatest and best Manner, and has laid in a Stock of the
very best Wines & Liquors; those who please to make Trial may depend upon
the best Usage, and their Favours will be gratefully acknowledged, By their
humble Servant, Philip Pentin.
Renamed the
NEW INN following
take over by John Wilson in 1788 - He announced 31st May 1788 that he had
fitted the house in the neatest manner and laid in a large stock of Wines
and Spirituous Liquors of the best sort. He had fitted up good Beds and
keeps them well aired. Good stables and a careful Ostler.
Mr Wilson had previously been a Waiter at Mrs. Sheppards Feathers, Holt.
thanks to Janelle Penney for the 1781 newspaper transcription
taken with permission, from © film provided by the
British Library Newspaper Library
Thanks also to Robert Campbell.