July 2011
A black and white Setter Bitch was lost from here 9th April 1808 - Answers
to the name of HECATE - Two Guineas Reward.
Lot No 48 in sale of Reepham Brewery estate of Bircham & Sons Saturday 8th June 1878.
Then let to Robert Mann at an annual rent of £25. Situated on the Green ; Containing -
Tap Room, Bar, Large Private Parlour, with Garden at the side, another Parlour with cellar
under, Club room and 6 Bedrooms, Also a Room approached by steps from the road; Pantry,
Wash House, Coal House and an enclosed yard at side of house; Also detached on the
opposite side are Stables, Gig House & other Outbuildings, enclosing a Farm yard :
Valuable Common Rights also included. - Freehold - Purchased by Steward.