For Sale by Auction Saturday, 21st December 1861.
The lot described as Two substantial brick and tiled Dwelling Houses,
with Bake Office and wash-houses, situated o9n Hall's Corner, and in
the several occupations of Jane and William Willimot. Annual value
One of the houses being licensed for the Sale of Beer by Retail, the
other for the business of Baker and General Shopkeeper.
Steward & Patteson enquired of the (unnamed) licensee, 3rd February 1894, if it was
correct that he was due an inheritance from his late father, since ...`he had previously
advised that having paid all of the expenses of his fathers and brothers funerals, he was
unable to pay his rent, or even to purchase the goods to carry on trade.'
Closed 1961 and licence held - Not
renewed 1967