On the night of Tuesday May 8th 1823 the crew of the
Preventative Station at Weybourne, seized on Kelling Beach, 74 half ankers of
Geneva. Also taken were a horse and cart loaded with 11 half ankers of Geneva and a cask of
tobacco. All were taken to His Majesty's Custom-house at Cley
for safe lodging. (Total of 42.5 ankers = 1647 litres approximately)
An anker is an old Dutch measurement of volume = approximately 38.75 litres
6 ankers = 1 Okshoofd = 232 litres
4 ankers = 1 Aam
1 Stoop = 1/16 anker
1 Mingel = 1/2 stoop (Approx 1.2 litres)