From William Atkins of Bodham, 2007 (CH B1-3-6b)
'I was in the army, playin' in the [Cromer]
Albion one night . . . and Arthur Baker's son
was in there, and he said to me, "Would you come and play for us
down our pub, down Northrepps on a Saturday night?", that being the
next night. "Well," I said, "that'd be a bit much."
"I'll come and pick you up." And I went down there as well for quite a while, with old
Arthur, yeah. Well, tha's how it go, in't it?
From John Wright of
Erpingham, 2006
(CH B1-3-25a)'My father and 'Chicky' Buller used to go out on a Saturday night or a Friday night, y'know,
or a Sunday night. One night a week them two'd go out together.
And my old chap used to pick him up . . . They used to go up
the Foundry, Northrepps, y'see. They'd be in there until about half past ten or eleven,
twelve, one; you never knew. All depends how much company was in there, 'cause my uncle,
he kept it, y'see.'