Licence renewal refused at February 1908 Licensing Sessions because the Police stated that
it was `` not required for the needs of the neighbourhood''.
Licence refused at Compensation Authority meetings of 21st and 23rd June
Reported as a beerhouse, owned by Morgans Brewery Ltd. and run
by licensee F. R. Marks.
At the 23rd June meeting it was said that on several recent inspections,
the greatest number of customers seen was two, and there was only one
public room.
At the meeting of the Norfolk Licensing Committee, held Wednesday 15th
December 1909, it was reported that the house was an anti 1869 beerhouse
with Mr. Marks the tenant. Average barrelage was 73 and minerals 129
dozen, rent was £10.
Compensation of £459 11s was granted.
Stands in an area now known as Dovedale.