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It was reported that on Thursday 9th March 1882, a hen belonging to Mrs. Hubbard, laid an egg four and a half inches long. Inside were two whole yolks and a fine egg in its own hard shell. The outer shell was white, the inner egg had a brown shell. |
Included within Lot No. 1 in sale by order of the Trustees of the late John Morse Esq. held 8th & 9th September 1847. The property included :- 2 Parlours, 2 Kitchens, Club Room, Cellar & 5 Bedrooms ; with large Yard & walled in Garden, Stables & Hay Loft which has entrance from the back street : Together with a Cottage adjoining, fronting the street, at the rent of £4 per annum. On 13th August 1887, Police-constable Massingham observed Henry Bayfield, butcher and publican, drunk in his own premises and using very bad language. He later saw Bayfield rolling about in the street. Although not appearing before the magistrates, on 22nd August, Bayfield was fined 20s which included costs . Unfortunately these were also the Annual Licensing Sessions and it was further heard that Bayfield was frequently drunk and used filthy language to his wife and customers. The Bench refused to re-new his licence. Mr. Alpe, a reprehensive of the owners, Morse & Woods, asked that the licence to him until such time that a suitable tenant could be found. Decision adjourned to the September Sessions. Closed by S&P 06.05.1957. |