Built on the site of a row of 19thC cottages to replace the
SHIP, which closed
May 1967. Construction of the new house commenced late August 1966 and
completed in record time.
The first licence for this house was granted in the name of the
SHIP, to
Watney Mann, 11th April 1967 and the house opened Thursday 4th May 1967 as
Described as of simple design, modern in aspect,
yet in keeping with the locality by having a plinth of pebble
stones, with brick and timber walls. Two mosaic panels planted to
the face of the brickwork, one showing the latest aircraft carrier
bearing the name Ark Royal, the other being a reproduction of the
Elizabethan Ark Royal.

August 1995.

The disintegrating `Elizabethan' mosaic - November 1996.
day extension to licence granted 07.08.1972
Closed 2013.
Trading as the CAPTAINS TABLE by August 2013
(Closed by 2018)
Became Harley's American Diner.
Demolition confirmed May 2020.