Cock & Pitchers, Importers of Foreign Wines and Spirits, announced
14th November 1807 that they had resigned their Retail Trade in
favour of Mr. John Keymer, of the
Cock & Pitchers' Counting Room would remain at 7. White Lion Lane,
for the time being, where Wholesale Orders would be gratefully
received and punctually attended to.
The same day, John Keymer respectfully begged leave to inform the
Friends, Customers and the Public in general, of Messrs Cock &
Pitchers that he would carry out the trade and solicited their
countenance and support. He pledged to supply them at the Lowest
Details and price of an Estate at Eaton, well calculated for a
summer's retreat, or for a gardener; consisting of four cottages and
two acres of excellent garden ground would be supplied at 7,
White Lion Lane.
Herring's Antidote for the Bite of Mad Dogs would be prepared by
John Keymer as usual.