Advertised "To be disposed of" 16th April 1747.
Enquire to Mr. Peter Harvey, Brewer, Norwich.
With Intended Improvement of Brigg's Street, it was advertised that several
properties would be sold by auction Friday 29th November 1839.
Lot 1 being a dwelling house and shop occupied by cheesemonger William
Lot 2, the dwelling house and shop of Watchmaker George Priest along with
the adjoining shop of Hatter Mr. J. Orton.
Parts of the above lots to be given up to the Public in effect of the
Improvements to Brigg's Street.
Lot 3, the Fountain, public-house standing particularly well for Trade being
in the centre of the great thoroughfare and at small expense may be
converted into a Retail Spirit Shop, the Cellar being well adapted for Wine
Vaults and has entrance from the Street. Let to Messrs. Tompson and occupied
by their tenant William Lamb. The tenants having notice to quit at the end
of the year.
Lot 4 a House and Shop of Gunsmith Mr. Dyball.
Lot 17 in a sale of Residences, Good Shops, Malting Offices, Store Vaults,
Valuable Building Ground and Cottages held Tuesday 8th June 1845.
Then described as `All that Dwelling-house and Shop, lately a Public House
called the FOUNTAIN, fronting
Brigg's Street, comprising a private entrance, shop, sitting room, capital
arched cellar, two good sized rooms on the first floor and two bedrooms in
the upper story, with small yard, in which are a back kitchen and
A beerhouse to 1896 when a wine licence was granted.
Address as Briggs Lane in 1822,
15 Rampant Horse Street in 1904.
It was reported at the 1908 Sessions that there were 15 other licensed houses within 200
yards. `Originally the house was a restaurant, but did not do the business now, and there
was very little trade to it. The tenant has to go out to work, leaving his wife in charge
of the premises.'
The licence was referred (To Compensation ?).