1904 site plan
Same as the
LIGHT DRAGOON given in 1822
at 161 Barrack Street ?
Stood next to the
( A piece of land separating the two houses
was purchased for £30 from John Moore, by Steward & Co on 12th March 1904)
On Thursday 5th May 1884, Joseph Ferguson was charged of selling
intoxicating liquors at forty-five minutes past twelve on the night of
Tuesday 3rd May. Through a window, partially covered with a blind,
police-constable Scales reportedly saw the landlord serve drinks to two
persons inside and had one himself. A two shilling piece was put down
and change was given by the landlord. Upon gaining entry the constable
was advised that the persons seen were the landlord's sister-in-law,
Susan Pearce, and a male lodger by the name of William Foster.
Hearing that Susan Pearce was staying at the house and the lodger had
been there for six weeks, the Town Clerk said that the information was
fatal to the case and the Magistrates immediately dismissed it.
Spirit licence dropped 1911.
The Norfolk Chronicle of 08.02.1908 reported that the licence was objected to on the
grounds that the accommodation for the public consisted of a small bar and that the
customers were of a low class.
There were six other licensed houses within 200 yards and the house was not suitable or
required. The tenant, John Moore, said that he, his wife and family lived out of the
profits of the business. Sales for the previous year were 181 barrels of beer and 24
gallons of spirits.
The licence was renewed.
Licence provisionally refused 04.02.1919 and referred to
Closed under Compensation 21.02.1920.