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Henry Hyde is at an un-named beerhouse, Upper Goat Lane, in 1864. House no. 237 on 1845 Magistrates list |
Probably the same as the GOLDEN GOAT given 1820 In 1822 a GOAT is given as well as an OLD GOAT and a NEW GOAT, all at (Upper) Goat Lane. Both the OLD GOAT and the YOUNG GOAT are listed in 1830 (They stood side by side) Lot 10 in sale held Saturday 30th May 1835 upon the direction of the proprietor Mr. Howell along with properties in Norwich (Heigham, St Martin at Oak, St Peter Mancroft & St John Timberhill), Hellesdon, Wymondham and Acle. A comfortable Dwelling-house adjoining included in sale as well as a capital and very complete Ale Brewery adjoining and in full trade, plus a newly-erected Malt-office with Steep wetting 27 coombs, Kiln, Floors, Malthouse and Barley and Malt Chambers. Spirit licence lost ** 7th September 1847 owing to disorderly manner in which the house had been conducted. The magistrates said it was illegal for them to allow transfer of licence to a brewery clerk until a new tenant was found. The brewers argued that the conduct of the house had not changed since 1845 or 1846 and licences had been renewed then. One of the magistrates, Mr. Willett, said that he had made up his mind that he would sign no licence to a house that had been proved to be a common brothel. For the brewers, Mr. Steward accepted that disorderly tenants should be turned out and the houses be shut for a time, until their bad character was destroyed. The 10 magistrates agreed that the decision to withdraw the licence would stand. It would appear that Isaac Diver appealed and won. Forthcoming Sale by Auction advertised May 1848. The ROSE & CROWN, TUMBLE DOWN DICK and the VAUXHALL GARDENS also being included in the sales notice. House said to be run in a disorderly manner at the September 1852 sessions. The police objected to licence renewal, but in this case the magistrates granted the licence. It was the only Licence renewal granted out of six police objections. At the Adjourned Licensing Day, Monday 11th October 1852, it was heard that Mr. Isaac Diver was about to leave the house at Michaelmas and so Charles Goat applied to have the licence transferred to him. Having run the MARQUIS OF GRANBY for seven years, with no complaints made against him, the licence was granted. At the Annual licensing Meeting, Tuesday 30th August 1859, the licence was renewed on condition that the character of the house be immediately improved. It had been referred to as a brothel. Messrs. Steward & Patteson undertook to replace their tenant Charles Goat. At the sessions held 19th August 1862 the licensee was one of many who were reprimanded for omitting to assist the police, were in the habit of allowing prostitutes to assemble or conducted themselves in a manner that, although they had not been summoned or fined, yet were considered by the magistrates to be improper persons to be entrusted with licenses. (Mr. Hyde was admonished for allowing prostitutes to assemble at his house and since he had `aggravated' his offence his license was refused.) In court Monday 22nd December 1862 it was heard that landlord Henry Hyde had been assaulted by shoemaker James Clarke. The attacker had struck Hyde on the head with a pewter pot. He also caused bruising to the arm Mrs. Hyde by kicking her. Mr. Clarke was fined 5s for the attack on Mr. Hyde and 10s for the assault on Mrs. Hyde. See ALABAMA |
** One sessions report gives the date of sitting as Tuesday 7th September, but a second report gives Wednesday 8th September 1847.