For Sale by Auction Tuesday 26th July 1859 `for many years in the
occupation of the late Mr. George Dady'.
The Furniture and Effects of Mr. S Woolsey of the White Hart,
were Sold by Auction, Tuesday, 27th September 1859, since he was
removing to the Walnut Tree Shades.
Advertised to let 1st September 1860 with immediate possession.
Described as `that well known WINE & SPIRIT VAULTS, with
excellent arched Cellars and Vaults, large Warehouses, stables,
&c...... commanding a capital Wholesale and Retail Wine and
Spirit Business, also a good Counter Trade.
For Sale by Auction Monday 24th September 1860.
The Unexpired Lease, for many years in the occupation of the late
Mr. Dady together with the Unexpired Lease of the three Tenements
adjoining, both terms expiring at the same time. The whole to be
offered as one concern. Entirely free of brewery tie and Immediate
Possession may be had.
M. Filby advised 22nd December 1860 that he had taken the old
Establishment. His cabs were stationed at the Market and Bracondale
and could be ordered at the Shades. The Stable and Gig-house in the
yard were available to let.
September 1861 - Mr. W. E. Filby offered Visitors to Norwich the
Best and most Reasonable Accommodation. Also a Chop, Bread and
Potatoes, and a Glass of Ale or Stout for 1s. Alternatively a Steak
could be served instead of a Chop for the price of 1s 3d.
He offered Superior Scotch, Burton and Dublin Stout on draft.
A fire broke out at about 11 o'clock on the morning of Saturday 21st
February 1863. The heat from a fire-place in the bar parlour had
ignited some woodwork and flames were bursting into a passage
behind. The Chief Constable and several members of the city fire
brigade applied a few buckets of cold water which sufficed to
extinguish the fire, with but little damage to the house.
On Friday 16th October 1863, Mr. Filby was described as `lodging at
2, Synagogue Street, out of business and unemployed, before then of
the Walnut Tree Shades.'
His bankruptcy had been filed 29th September and he had surrendered
that day to prevent arrest. His unsecured debts were £525 6s 1½d
with creditors holding £350. Mr. Filby said that £1000 was due to
him upon the death of his mother, according to her marriage
settlement, and he was sure that his debts were covered.
All the costly Fixtures, superior four motion beer-engine, spirit
fountain and fittings, panelled counter fitted with pewter top,
drain and water pipe, &c., zinc and lettered blinds, shop
partitions, wood benching, cooking and other stoves, gas fittings,
costly door and bracket lamps, plated and pewter pint mugs, small
portion of household furniture, implements in trade, show boards,
&c. to be Sold By Auction Friday 25th September 1863.
Mr. Wale advised August 1864 that he was late cook at the
and and previously 17 years with Thomas Quartermain of Greenwich.
The house being open for Luncheons, Dinners and Suppers at moderate
Dinner off the Joint on Saturdays, including Vegetables, 1s. Soups
6d extra.
An Ordinary on Sundays at One o'clock.
The Luncheon Counter open every day at Eleven o'clock.
Private Parties attended to prepare either Dinners or Balls.
Contracts given for Ball Suppers, Wedding Breakfasts, Dinners, &c.
Cooks and Waiters sent to all parts of the County.
In August 1865 his credentials were late Head Cook at the
and Messman to the Officers of the Norfolk Military Artillery.
James David Wale, Licensed Victualler, Dealer in Foreign Wines and
Spirits and Professional Cook, was adjudged Bankrupt on 25th January
September 1866 - Mr. Marrett offered a Chop, Steak or Plate of Meat
and Vegetables and a glass of Allsopp's superior Ale for 1s.
All the Household Furniture, Fixtures, Implements in Trade, Superior
Billiard Bagatelle Table, with Balls, Cues &c., &c., for sale by
Auction 14th January 1867 under a Deed of Assignment for the Equal
Benefit of Creditors of Mr. Merrett.
Free Tavern and Liquor Shop to let with Immediate possession 19th
January 1867
Edward Corbyn applied, on Monday 24th August 1891, for a music and singing
licence for the club-room. Granted.
Housed a folk club in the 1960's
Used by Norwich Brewery as an outlet for trial brews.
Starlight was here first!
Closed in late 1970's (c1975 to 1978)
and again until Summer 1983 when reopened as a Freehouse.
Features an American style restaurant on first floor.
To close 29th March 2025 for refurbishment as a "Sports Bar"