Named after a boy who is said to have been found living wild in a German forest. Brought
to England (age 12 ?) and named Peter, he had by 1751 found himself an occupant of the
nearby Bridewell prison.
(His presence was reported following a fire at the prison 22nd October 1751)
Address as St. Andrews Hill 1830 & 1845
At Pottergate Street 1854.
Offered for sale by auction as advertised in the Norfolk
Chronicle of 6th November 1844. The sale was to be held at the Norfolk Hotel on behalf of
Messrs Tompson by W. W. Simpson.

The sign 2002
Renewal of licence was opposed at the 21st August 1891 sessions.
The proceedings were said to be on the grounds of misconduct, not
gross, but a want of regularity and decorum.
The Chairman noticed that the written objection did not include
misconduct and the opposition was withdrawn.
The following day, Saturday 22nd August 1891, Susan Groom applied
for a music and singing licence for the bar.
The Chief Constable said that a large number of people frequented
the house and although he had no complaint about the people inside,
at closing time there was great disorder in the street. Application
On Thursday 9th February 1905 the Chief Constable objected to licence
renewal owing to the back doors opening into enclosed yards common to other
However the objection was withdrawn and the licence granted.
`Extensively refurbished October / November 2012 at cost of £200,000.
Audiovisual equipment installed and back bar opened up to form one large
New tenants from August 2018 and refurbished at a cost of £3,000 to
provide a "cosmopolitan feel" by serving coffee and cakes during the
Closed early June 2019 and new tenants sought........
Open with temporary managers by week ending 15th June.
Closed in August 2019 for reported £130,000 refurbishment to reopen
by 10th September 2019
House No. 271 on 1845 Magistrates list.