1. No toasts to be
accorded to, or honoured by, any member adopting a prone or recumbent
2. Lager Beer
is not considered to be eligible as an implement of work in the
profession of a genuine Froth Blower. It is unseemly and should be
avoided always excepting by Naval Officers visiting German Colonies (If
any) . British Lager is permissible.
3. All tankards should be tilted towards the mouth and not the ear.
4. On no account should water be poured or left in any tankard. Many
deaths and apoplectic seizures having resulted from this Unpardonable
5. Froth Blowers, when fraternally blowing, are to remain seated,
excepting only on the sudden entrance of the following: Bombs or High
Explosives, Money Lenders, Defaulting Bookmakers, Conscientious
Objectors, Treacle Benders' Apprentices, Swarms of Bees or Bugs and Bits
of Fluff. In the event of any unusual occurrence the judgement and good
taste of the Senior Froth Blower will suffice.
6. For the benefit of unseasoned F.B.'s, three gulps to the pint and
fourteen to the gallon are customary. A little latitude is allowed on
Guest Nights and on Declaration of Peace or War or Both.
7. F.B.'s, if unable to sing or are ordered to abstain from trying to
sing, are advised to croon (softly). This produced Aridity of the Palate
and Esophagus.
8. Aspiring F.B.'s invalided out of, or Blackballed by other
communities, by reason of Borborygumus, are eligible for election,
assuming always that they juxtapose themselves near the piano or
9. Weird and wonderful rules, invented for the maintenance of good order
and amusement of F.B.'s may be sent to the Hon. Secretary for
circulation and general observance.
10. A.O.F.B. cuff links will be worn on all ceremonial occasions,
"Crossing the Barman" is unceremonial and links should be removed with
11. A.O.F.B. cuff links will not be worn with Oxford Bags or Borstal
Blazers. Special permits are issued for wearing A.O.F.B. links in the
12. Under penalty of drinks round, A.O.F.B. cuff links must be worn on
all occasions of festivity, or thirst.
13. A.O.F.B. cuff links may not be worn in the following circumstances
When there is only water or cocoa on the table and no beer within 125
miles radius.
When undergoing Surgical Operations, Pack Drill, Competing for
Light-Weight Boxing Championship, Riding Favourite in the Derby, Testing
Giant Super Bombers, Playing Crown and Anchor, Picking Pockets and other
Kindred Sports for which a Blue is not awarded.
