April 1861 Priscilla Jolly, St Stephens, was charged by Joshua Woodhouse, landlord of the Currier's Arms, St Stephens' Back Street, with stealing two blankets, the same number of sheets and pillow slips and seven books from furnished apartments which the prisoner rented from the prosecutor. The prisoner had been lodging at the Currier's Arms for some weeks past, and on Sunday afternoon, Mrs Woodhouse found that the articles were missing. Information was given to the police and soon after duplicates of the articles were found lying on the prisoner's dressing table. Most of the articles were discovered at Mr Knight's pawnbrokers where they had been pledged by the prisoner and were identified by Mrs Woodhouse. The prisoner preferred a summary conviction and pleaded guilty, and was committed for one month. Licence given special consideration August 1867 owing to past improper conduct. Full licence granted Tuesday 25th August 1868 to Daniel Vincent. Licence provisionally refused 13.02.1914 and referred for compensation. Closed under Compensation 31.12.1914 John Bayfield Abbs previously worked abroad as a labourer on the railway. It was doing that work that he lost an arm. With the £130 in savings and compensation received, he took the CURRIERS ARMS. After two months he went to the WELLINGTON |