Stood on the corner of Pottergate and Dove Street.
Adjoined Chamberlins Store.
Distinguished by the fact that it had the only recorded two
storey vault in the City of Norwich.
Edward Smith applied for a licence Tuesday 27th August 1867 -
Refused on the grounds that he had been previously fined for having
defective measures.
Full licence granted Tuesday 25th August 1868 to Edward Smith.
An application was made Saturday 22nd August 1891, by Harry Scotter,
for a music and singing licence for the convenience of the friendly
societies and a philharmonic society that met at his house. Granted.
A fire destroyed the adjoining Chamberlins Store 01.08.1898, but the Edinburgh appeared
sound and trading continued.
However, four days later, 05.08.1898, just after lunchtime closing, the building
Licence surrendered 22.09.1898 on grant of a new licence for the FESTIVAL
Site purchased by Bullards during 1899.
The site then described as `Known as the Edinburgh Tavern, late in the occupation of
Youngs and Company.......and the shop adjoining in the occupation of their undertenant
Royal George Self.....'