The Transport Department 1948
R. Meadows, W Hughes, R Buckle, R Pope, T Lovewell, S Alden,
R Abbs, F Webb, E Howes, H Bardwell, G Ardley, T Bosworth,
L Sheppard, C Curl, R Allen, C Stolworthy, A Skeet, A Smith,
G Cannell, H Bawden, A Houlston, J Murrell, H Mason,
W Houlston, E Read, J Miller, T Houghton, H Snowling, R Dewing,
A Dixon, A Watling, A Marshall, A Brighton & S. Digman. |
BREWERY was owned by John Barnard in 1563.
This was later owned by the Allen family who in turn sold to
Edward Tompson in 1660.
Stackhouse Tompson is given at 49 King Street in 1783
Timothy Tompson 1811
Charles Tompson 1830
Tompson Brothers 1842
The brewery remained with the Tompson family until sold in 1844
by Charles Kett Tompson and Henry Kett Tompson
to John Brandram Morgan, who was in occupation from 1845.
The sale included 54 public houses.
On Thursday 27th March 1845, Messrs. Morgans, new proprietors of the King
Street Brewery, invited nearly one hundred city innkeepers to a dinner at
the Norfolk Hotel. After the dinner toasts were proposed and responded to.
All proceeded in a most cordial manner and conviviality prevailed to a late
hour.Walter Morgan was found `drowned in a Gyle Vat'
8th March 1845.
His body had been discovered at 11:00 am and the inquest took place that
same afternoon.
It was suggested that Mr. Morgan had been overcome with fumes and had fallen
into the vat.
At about 1:00pm Mr. Chater, surgeon, had made an incision into the jugular
vein and five or six ounces of liquid blood flowed, but had no effect on the
Artificial Respiration was then tried, and as a last resource, powerful
Electro magnetic apparatus was applied, all to no effect.
John B Morgan & Henry Morgan 1850 - 1868
In October 1868, Messrs. Barnby & Son, sole
agents in Gt. Yarmouth for Morgans, offered the Best Family Beers:-
Per 9 Gallon Cask
Light Bitter Ale - 10s 0d
XXXK Light Bitter Ale - 14s 0d
Pale Ale - 14s 0d
SS Stout - 13s 0d. |
Morgan & Co 1879
Trading as the Old Kings Street Brewery, Established 1720,
the operation was registered as a Limited Company March 1887.
188 public houses were controlled at this time, 106 of them being owned.
The brewery site comprised some 2¼ acres.
Huddlestones Chatteris Brewery was taken over in 1889
Bourke & Ewles of Grimston in 1890
The Wymondham Brewery of William Cann & Co was taken over 11th May
1894 for the sum of £129,000
In 1896 the Letheringsett Brewery of Cozens-Hardy & Sons was added to
the estate
and the
Elijah Eyre Lady Bridge Brewery followed in 1900.
(The Eyres brewery continued in production and the Eyres name was
By 1939, seven cats were employed as rat-catchers at the Ladybridge
In March 1903 Light and Bitter Ales were offered at One Shilling per
Superior Ales and Double Stout were offered in 4½ Gallon Casks.
Ales and Stouts in Imperial Pints and Half Pints, bottled at the Brewery
were available in quantities of 36 pints and would be delivered free to
all parts of the city.
Light Bitter Ales and Stout at 2s 6d per dozen Imperial Pints.
Bass & Co's pale Ale at 4s per dozen Imperial Pints.
Guinness' Stout at 4s per dozen Imperial Pints.
Wines, Spirits of every description and of the finest quality.
Mineral waters in screw-topped bottles.
Carriage Paid to any station on the GER and MGN Joint Railways. Some 600 houses were in the estate, either
owned or leased by 1904
1907 billhead records branches at Chatteris, Ely, Fakenham, Grimston,
Kings Lynn, Holt, Letheringsett, Spalding. Loddon, North Walsham, Peterborough, Stalham, Watton,
Wisbech, Wymondham & Gt Yarmouth.
The Lowestoft
Brewery of E & G Morse (Edgar & Gilbert) was added to the estate in 1936.
In 1952 the Trunch Brewery with 9 houses was the last expansion.
Net profit for the year 1937 to 1938 was £66,725.
For 1938 to 1939 the net profit had dropped to £59,009.
damaged by bombing 27th June 1942, brewing was transferred to the old
Elijah Eyres Brewery at Kings Lynn.
The other Norwich breweries assisted production even though they were
Re-built 1946-7 the Norwich brewery was back in production in 1950.
Went into Voluntary Liquidation 29th September 1961
and the houses were taken over jointly by Bullards and Steward &
Patteson by prior agreement.
It is recorded that the houses had been divided between the two companies
by the cutting of a deck of playing cards. (As reported in
the Eastern Daily Press 1st November 1974)
In a letter dated 26th May 1961, from Julian Crawshay to Sir Edward
it was reported that the initial split of Morgans houses was some 1000
barrels per annum
in favour of Steward & Patteson.....`but may be swaps later...' At
the time of liquidation, Morgans Brewery controlled 450 tied houses.
The brewery was sold to Watney Mann in August 1961 and brewing was back in
operation by April 1962.
The brewery was demolished in the winter of 1989 - except for one
