Licensees : |
- |
Burial record at St. Peter Mancroft dated 21st march 1613 |
by 1610 to 1613 |
- |
1657 |
- |
Committed suicide - Coroner's inquest 20th August 1711 |
to 1711 |
- |
here May 1758 |
1760 - 1763 |
April 1769 - 1788 |
1791 - 1806 |
1810 |
Mid 1810 - 1811 |
? |
1814 |
September 1814 - 1825 |
age 60 in 1841 |
1830 - 1845 |
gives James Asker at the SWAN POSTING HOUSE in 1839) |
age 74 in 1851
(died 1858 and still given in that year as licensee by the PO directory
and again by Rogers in 1859 ) |
1850 - 1856 |
age 50 in 1861
Miss A M Asker 1865
(Elizabeth Asker given as proprietress 1863) |
1856 - 1865 |
(George Asker is given as
an innkeeper, from the baptismal records of his son at St. Michael at Coslany, 18.08.1816.
House yet to be located)
Thanks to Mike Asker for further info.

John Browne token, 1657.
Found as the WHITE SWAN,
HOTEL from 1610 to 1865.
Thomas Tilbury, at the
HORSE, advised that on Monday 27th April 1769, he would remove
to the White Swan. The Clerk of Assize-Office would in future be kept at the
White Swan.
In May 1780 the New and Commodious FLYING POST COACH
left on the 17 hour journey to London.
Six inside passengers could be accommodated at the charge
of £1/1/0 each.
In August 1781 it was advertised that the fare to London remained the same.
The fare to Bath was £2/2/0 with that to Bristol an extra 4 shillings.
Thomas Tilbury informed his customers 28th November 1782 that he was `
making Additions to his house and Stables in the compleatest Manner, and
with the greatest Expedition, which he flatters himself will meet their
Approbation ......'
The house was engaged for Freeholders, the Friends of Sir Edward Astley,
Bart. and Thomas William Coke, Esq. on Wednesday 14th April 1784, being
the Day of Election. (One of 53 such houses in Norwich)
Mrs. Harcourt, widow of the late Boys Harcourt, formerly
of the White Swan, St. Peter's Mancroft, died Friday 27th July 1786 - Age
<So Mr. Harcourt possibly licensee c1765 or pre
One of 36 Norwich houses opened for the reception of Voters in the
interest of Mr. Windham and Mr. Coke on election day Thursday 13th
November 1806. The name of the Hundred for which the house was
appropriated was to be displayed at each house.
John Sayer, formerly of the
Augustine's, entered this house on Midsummer's Day 1810.
For Sale by Auction Thursday 7th March 1811.
Then leased to John Patterson at £30 per annum.
Included in the lot was the vaulted cellar below and part of the
Butchery, the cellar divided into packing places for stalls, let to John
Starr at £13 per annum.
Offered for sale 31st March 1814.
Offered For Sale by Auction Saturday 9th April 1814.
Offered again for sale or let, with immediate possession, 2nd July 1814.
Described as having 24 comfortable bed-rooms, numerous servants rooms
and attics, two commodious dining-rooms, and eight good parlours, coffee
and travellers rooms, two cooking kitchens and a bar commanding a view
of the yard and offices, and good wine vaults and beer cellars. The
extensive yard for carriages having stabling for 70 horses, hay lofts,
straw-houses, granaries and outhouses. The Norwich Expedition and Lynn
Coaches make use of the facilities. In substantial repair and part
thereof being new built at considerable expense....
Daniel Nobbs, for many years Butler to Hudson Gurney Esq., and late of
the White Lion Beccles, announced 17th September 1814 that he had taken
the Inn
On Thursday 20th January 1820 the Duke of Wellington stopped here for
twenty minutes on his way to join other dignitaries at Gunton Hall.
Word of his presence soon spread and hundreds flocked to the Inn Yard to
greet with enthusiasm their "County's pride" whose "martial glory, fills
the world".
The visit by the Duke interrupted a private performance by Mr. Gyngell
before several highly respectable gentlemen of the city and
neighbourhood, and their families; who immediately came down from the
room to welcome his Grace. They were received with great affability and
several children who were introduced to him were saluted.
< Incidentally: the temperature in Norwich on 15th January
1820 had dropped to 7 deg F (- 14 deg C) and generally temperatures had
not been so low in January since 1789 when on 12th January the
temperature dropped to 4 deg F (-15.5 deg C). On the 20th January 1820
the temperature averaged 30 deg F (-1 deg C) for the day.>
Mr. Gyngell's Performance at the Little Theatre, Swan Inn, St. Peters,
of the last New Piece of the WILD MAN was to run from Saturday 22nd
January 1820 and every evening in the ensuing week and owing to demand,
for Three Evenings longer. The Wednesday performance being for the
Benefit of Mr. Gyngell senior and under the immediate Patronage of the
Right Worshipful The Mayor.
Boxes 3s - Pit 2s - Gallery 1s.
Mrs Nobbs, wife of Mr. D. Nobbs, late master of the Swan Inn, died
Friday 17th November 1826.
A Public Breakfast was held here at nine-thirty on the morning of
Tuesday 15th September 1840 for members of the Church Missionary Society
and their Families. Tickets 1s 9d each.
Advertised for sale by Private Contract, or to be let to a suitable
tenant, 12th May 1855.
Comprising a handsome dining room 63ft x 24ft and another 40ft x 26ft,
10 comfortable Sitting-rooms and 25 good and airy Bedrooms.
With the advantage of two approaches, one from the upper market and the
other from Chapel Field and theatre Plain.
Freehold property with possession available to suit the current
occupier, (who is also owner) retiring solely from advanced age.
Freehold property offered for sale with immediate possession as
advertised 3rd March 1858
Offered for sale by auction June 1858 upon instruction of the Executors
of the late Mr. Samuel Asker.
Extensive premises known as the SWAN INN,
comprising a frontage in Upper Market Street of 56 feet with a depth of
178 feet.
For Sale By Auction
Thursday 29th July 1858.
Property included a 63ft by 24ft newly-erected Dining Room, a second
Dining Room 40ft x 20ft, 10 sitting and 25 Bed-rooms, well-situated Bar,
spacious Kitchens, Larder, Cellars and Offices. With Yard with standing for
40 Carriages, Carriage-houses and Stables and loose boxes for 50 Horses. A
well-known fact that the house has for a long period, been the resort of by
far largest proportion of the nobility, gentry and clergy of the county, on
their visiting the city.
Not found in directories 1868 or later, but said to operate until 1895?
Last used by Johnson, Burton & Theobald Ltd, wholesale motor,
electrical, wireless and cycle manufacturers. Demolished in early 1960's to allow car