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On Monday 5th June 1820 a boxing match took place in a field at Eaton. Dan, a
stonemason and Daff, a stranger from London were the combatants. Early in the day several thousands of people had collected together, in expectation of seeing a well-conducted fight, and at about two o'clock the combatants set-to. The odds were greatly in favour of Daff, who was seconded by Hurry and Slater; Dan by Ingale and Cox. Dan stood up to his man, and put in a few smart blows, but frequently struck short and exhausted his strength. Daff shewed himself a scientific sparrer, retreating and stopping the blows of his antagonist with ease. In the 13th round Daff received a blow on the noddle, which, it seems, produced a violent pain in the bread-basket, and caused him to give in. The knowing ones now discovered the hoax, and were so chagrined, that had Mr. Daff not made off, he would probably have been soused in the river. The gentlemen of the fancy, greatly mortified at being disappointed of their expected gratification, returned home growling, and disputing about the legality of their bets. Norfolk Chronicle 10th June 1820 ~ On Monday 23rd September 1861 it was reported that there were twenty five cases of typhoid in Eaton. This was not seen as unusual........ |